Comelec to determine status of political parties


MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Elections is set to determine the status of political parties who have until Feb. 15 to file petitions to find out their status ahead of the May 13 polls.

The Comelec en banc issued Resolution 9611, setting the rules for petitions seeking accreditation to determine the dominant majority party, the dominant minority party, 10 major national parties and two major local parties.

Comelec said it will look into the record of political parties seeking accreditation, taking into account the number of incumbent elective officials for each party 90 days before elections, their identifiable political organizations and the ability to field candidates from the local to national level.

"Petitioner shall include in its petition, pertinent data and statistics to support its arguments in accordance with the above criteria," the resolution noted.

The poll body said political parties or coalitions and candidates are entitled to one poll watcher in every polling place and canvassing center.

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