MILF insists it was not told about AFP operation vs Sayyaf

MANILA, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) yesterday claimed it was not informed about the military’s plan to conduct operations against the Abu Sayyaf in Basilan last July 26.

In a statement, the MILF said the operation, which left 10 soldiers dead, was not coordinated with its ceasefire panel.

“The (MILF) categorically denied any coordination made by the government authorities on the operation against alleged members of Abu Sayyaf group last July 26, 2012,” the group said.

Said Shiek, chairman of the MILF ceasefire panel, said government operations against the Abu Sayyaf should be coordinated through the Ad Hoc Joint Action Group, which is tasked to isolate and interdict criminal elements in Mindanao.

“The government did not observe the established coordination protocol in this case constituting blatant disregard and infraction of the ceasefire accord,” Shiek said.

Last Thursday, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said the government had protested the alleged involvement of MILF members in a recent clash in Basilan between the Army and the Abu Sayyaf.

Gazmin said MILF commander Dan Laksaw Asnawi had been informed about the operations against the Abu Sayyaf prior to the encounter.

“They (Asnawi and his troops) were told not to enter the area and he agreed,” Gazmin said in a press briefing.

“As these things were being coordinated, one MILF commander was already inside (the area of operations) and they got involved,” he added.

The defense chief said three of the armed men who died during the clash were relatives of Asnawi.

The MILF, however, said Gazmin should not blame the MILF or Asnawi for the bloody encounter in Basilan.

“There was no coordination, so do not put the blame (on the) MILF and Brother Dan (Asnawi),” said the statement quoting an unnamed MILF leader.

“If the government really wanted to coordinate then coordination should have been undertaken through the CCCH (Coordinating Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities) so we can be true to upholding the primacy of the peace process and the ceasefire,” Shiek said.

Asnawi was tagged in the killing of 14 Marines in Basilan in 2007.

Soldiers tried to arrest him and two lawless elements on Oct. 18, 2011 in Al-Barka, Basilan but this resulted in a clash with MILF fighters. The Al-Barka incident claimed the lives of 19 soldiers.

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