Sandigan issues arrest warrant for Padaca

MANILA, Philippines - The Sandiganbayan has issued a warrant of arrest for former Isabela governor Grace Padaca who is facing charges of malversation of public funds involving a P25-million contract for a hybrid rice program in 2006.

Padaca’s fellow respondents – former provincial legal officer Johnas Lamonera, municipal councilor Servando Soriano, and Economic Development for Western Isabela and Northern Luzon Foundation Inc. (EDWINLFI) manager Dionisio Pine – have already posted bail.

The Sandiganbayan’s Fifth Division said that unless Padaca pays P70,000 in exchange for her temporary liberty, police and other law enforcement officers may arrest her.

The Office of the Ombudsman filed the case against the former Isabela governor for her alleged involvement in the questionable award of the rice program contract to EDWINLFI.

The non-government organization allegedly failed to liquidate some P3.6 million while about P18 million was later listed under loan receivables.

Padaca has denied the charges, saying EDWINLFI was granted the contract after it volunteered to help extend the money to farmers who were the intended beneficiaries.

Padaca said the loan used for the hybrid rice program was legally obtained and aboveboard, adding that even the Commission on Audit had validated that the loan proceeds had been released to the intended beneficiaries, and “had not accrued to the benefit of any public official or private person.”

Reached by The STAR, Padaca said her lawyers were acting on the matter, citing her option to file an appeal with the Supreme Court. – With Charlie Lagasca, Raymund Catindig

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