BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines – The coastal town of Aparri is ready in case a tsunami triggered by an earthquake hits it.
This, as the municipal government has come up with a comprehensive disaster risk reduction and management plan against tsunamis.
Aparri, lying along the South China Sea-Pacific Ocean coast, is one of Cagayan Valley towns most vulnerable to tsunami and flashfloods as it is below sea level. It also has no highland areas where residents could seek refuge.
“We are creating awareness among residents on the need to be prepared for any tsunami, educating them on what to do in case such calamities do happen,” Mayor Ismael Tumaru said.
Under the tsunami preparedness plan, the townsfolk are advised to proceed to Lallo town, several kilometers inland, once a tsunami alert is raised, since it is a safe distance away from the coast.
Tumaru said adjoining Camalaniugan town, in a worst-case scenario, may still be reached by a tsunami or tidal wave, especially after earthquakes as strong as or even stronger than the one that hit northwestern Japan late last year.
A marine-rich town, Aparri, located on the mouth of the Cagayan River, has long been a reference point of the government’s weather bureau in locating typhoons hitting the country, especially Luzon.