DOJ issues 'lookout order' for kidnap-slay suspects

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued a lookout bulletin order (LBO) on the suspects in the kidnapping and murder of Filipino-Chinese businesswoman Lea Angeles Ng, whose body was found in a septic tank in Laguna last Feb. 23.

In a memorandum, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima directed the Bureau of Immigration “to be on the lookout for” Superintendent Rommel Miranda, former spokesman for the National Capital Region Police Office and now deputy chief of the communication and electronics service of Philippine National Police in Region 7; Police Officer 1 Otelio Santos Jr.; Police Officer 1 Jifford Signap; and Reginel Regidor Santiago.

“Any pertinent information, especially those tending to indicate that any of the named individuals could be attempting to leave the country, should be promptly relayed directly to (me) or through the Office of the Secretary of Justice,” stated De Lima’s order dated March 7 but released to the media only last Wednesday.

De Lima said the LBO would not prevent the accused from leaving the country – unlike a watchlist order or hold departure order. “We will just be alerted or notified by immigration authorities should the subject of the lookout order shows up at an airport or seaport,” she said.

Miranda was charged with kidnapping and homicide by the PNP-Anti Kidnapping Group along with Santos, Signap and Santiago last Feb. 24.

Miranda had denied the allegation in a counter-affidavit, even as he lamented what he described as “false imputation of a sinister motive to implicate me in her (Ng) death.”

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