AFP: Abu Sayyaf losing strength

MANILA, Philippines - The number of Abu Sayyaf members has declined to 379 as of June due to the government’s armed operations and development programs, the military said yesterday.

Data obtained by The STAR showed that the military has killed or arrested a total of 46 Abu Sayyaf leaders and sub-leaders since 2000.

“The intensified and aggressive conduct of focused military operations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines has greatly reduced the strength of the Abu Sayyaf from the peak of 1,270 in 2000 to only 379 for the first semester of this year,” the AFP said.

“AFP’s reinvigorated internal security operations have resulted in the neutralization of 46 of the Abu Sayyaf’s leaders and sub-leaders since 2000, all of whom have rewards placed on their heads ranging from P1 million up to P10 million,” it added.

AFP public affairs chief Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. said the Abu Sayyaf strength of 379 as of end-June was an improvement from about 400 in the same period last year.

The AFP earlier released a data showing that the number of Abu Sayyaf members is down to 340 as of end-2010 but this was not validated.

The military attributed the latest figure to its “relentless intelligence-driven combat operations” and the cooperation of government agencies, local officials and the public.

Officials also cited the implementation of security plan Bayanihan, which focuses on development programs intended to curb armed rebellion.

The said security plan aims to promote development while continuing the campaign against terrorist groups like the Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah.

“It reflects the fact that terrorism is not just the concern of our security sectors but a concern for every peace-loving citizens of our country,” AFP chief Gen. Eduardo Oban Jr. said.

“These remarkable gains will not be possible without the help and close coordination with other law enforcement agencies and security forces,” he added.

Among the Abu Sayyaf members who were neutralized by state forces since 2000 were former Abu Sayyaf leader Khadaffy Janjalani, who had a P10-million bounty on his head.

Nadzmie Sabtula, Aldam Tilao alias Abu Sabaya, Mujib Susukan, Galib Andang alias Commander Robot, and Jainal Antel Sali alias Abu Solaiman, who all had a  P5 million bounty on their heads were killed in government operations.

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