Coast Guard warns of oil spill off Batanes

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines  – Authorities raised fears on a possible oil spill after an 18-man cargo vessel, which contain a substantial volume of bunker fuel ran aground off Basco in Batanes yesterday.

Captain George Ursabia, Coast Guard (CG) Northern Luzon district commander said M/V Wakay Trader, which came from Sual town in Pangasinan and carrying materials and equipment for a construction project on Batan island, was about to dock at Basco port when its main engine conked out and hit a shallow part of the harbor.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) spokesman Lt. Commander Algier Ricafrente said there were no reports of an oil spill as of press time, but they have sent people in the area to monitor the developments.

He said CGS Basco is continuously monitoring the cargo ship so the station could immediately respond and extend assistance in case an oil spill occurs.

Ricafrente said they are also asking for updates from the ship’s captain Francisco Gimotea on the leak found inside the engine room.

Water was also reportedly seeping inside the engine room, but he downplayed the possibility that the ship would sink.

The PCG also advised the captain to file a marine protest that would give details that led to the marine accident. – Raymund Catindig, Charlie Lagasca, Evelyn Macairan

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