DOH eyes unclean water in diarrhea outbreak

MANILA, Philippines -    Health Secretary Enrique Ona yesterday said the diarrhea outbreak in a village in Palawan which killed several people, including children, was likely caused by “contaminated water source.”

Ona said Sitio Apad-Apad in Barangay Culandanum in Batarasa town is one of the areas in Palawan that have poor water supply, with residents, mostly from the Palaw-an tribe, usually getting their water from springs and artesian wells.

“Usually, residents of rural areas do their laundry or even throw their waste products in the spring. These contaminating agents may seep into their water source and cause infection… Most likely, it has something to do with water because it is one of the barangays in our country with (unclean) water source,” he said.

As of press time, 93 diarrhea cases, including 15 deaths, were reported in the village.

Ona said disease experts have been sent to the community to identify the “source” of contamination and to collect and test water samples to determine the specific bacteria that caused the infection.

Upon determining the source of infection, Ona gave assurance that health officials will find ways to solve the contamination.

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