Are we in the start of the end of time?

What’s happening in Japan has shocked the world because as we wrote already, Japan is the only nation on earth that is the most prepared for earthquakes, tsunamis and yes, including how to combat effects of radiation; after all, they are the only nation that tasted the power of a nuclear bomb. It was just a week ago when Japan experienced what we now call their 11/11 to differentiate it from America’s infamous 9/11 and unlike the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami or the recent New Zealand earthquake that only happened within a few hours and the rest of the news was about rescue and recovery efforts.

But Japan’s 11/11 is a disaster that is still ongoing a week later, thanks to Tokyo Electric’s Fukushima nuclear plant whose nuclear reactors have exploded because the earthquake resulted in a tsunami that Japanese disaster experts never expected to happen. One cannot help but look elsewhere for explanations as to what really is happening in Japan. Sure, we are getting all the explanations or lessons from CNN or BBC on how to operate a nuclear plant or what is happening at the Fukushima reactors, but perhaps this thing is bigger than we think.

The New Zealand earthquake happened a few weeks ago and almost simultaneously Mt. Bulusan erupted. Also last week, Hawaii’s famous Kiluea volcano, the world’s most active volcano, was now turning 20-foot geysers, from just only streams, of molten lava. Just a day before the Japanese earthquake, we had quakes in Ilocos Norte, Batangas and Cotabato. No doubt the Ring of Fire is restless… but is this just the fury of Mother Nature or are we seeing a divine hand here? People ask, are we seeing the start of the end of time? With the Middle East in turmoil and natural disasters happening in our part of the world, we could be at the end of time.

Because of what has happened in Japan, I’ve been getting a lot of articles attributing this disaster to the supernatural. The one about the famous Our Lady of Akita (this was the phenomenon where the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was found to be in tears), which is some 90 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake, is very interesting. Just browse YouTube for Our Lady of Akita (this is Japan’s equivalent to Fatima or Lourdes) and you will see a prophetic message given by Sister Sasagawa. 

Another very interesting article comes from my reader Bobby Tordesillas who sent me a clipping that the Philippine Daily Inquirer published on Jan. 10, 2010. This story was about a Sister Raquel Redoica of the RVM nuns who received a gift of healing and later a gift of prophecy or what people say a “third eye.” Her powerful message to the Filipino people is the power of prayer and God’s mercy to His people. If you’re interested to see more about this, you can check the Internet at

On Nov. 6, 2009, Sister Raquel saw pools of oil positioned in nine equidistant lines from the back of their chapel to the altar. These pools of oil apparently were the basis for messages that she was getting from the Lord. It really is up to you to believe this, but according to the article, the first of the nine messages from the pools of oil refers to the nine years from 2009 to 2018 that the Lord has given mankind to repent and mend its ways.

The second message is about the urgency for rich Filipinos to help the poor by sharing what they have to the least of their brethren. In her third message, Sister Raquel mentions the Third Secret of Fatima… something that I will soon be writing about especially in this season of Lent. The fourth message is about the power of prayer… that disasters can be averted through prayer. Indeed, praying the Holy Rosary is one way to avert a crisis.

Hence, she says that disasters are “negotiable,” citing how God spared the City of Nineveh because its people repented… and how Father Abraham “negotiated” with God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah, but in the end, God didn’t find anyone worthy to save in the two biblical cities that he destroyed.

Sister Raquel’s fifth message was quite interesting because one pool of oil was shaped like the map of the Philippines. But the Visayas was oddly separated from Luzon and Mindanao. She assumes that this could only mean that the Lord is pleased with the Visayas because of the celebration of the Sto. Niño. Indeed, as a Cebuano, we do have a special role in this country being located in the heart of the Philippines and this is where the first seeds of Christianity were planted.

While there were supposedly nine messages, what Tordesillas sent me was only up to the sixth message and the pool of oil shaped into the map of the Philippines shows, according to Sister Raquel, that it is no accident that we have millions of OFWs scattered worldwide as God uses them to evangelize the world. I believe in this, but I’m only asking you to pray for the world.

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