Abra village chief killed, treasurer wounded

BANGUED, Abra, Philippines – A village chief in this northern province, long tagged as a “killing field,” was shot dead while his treasurer was wounded Wednesday morning, police said.

Bong Medina, 35, chairman of Barangay Macray in this capital town, and village treasurer Joseph Barbero, 31, were reportedly at a waiting shed together with other residents when armed men fired at them. 

Senior Superintendent Armando Laguiwid, Abra police director, said Medina sustained a gunshot wound below the navel and died at the Seares Memorial Hospital.

Barbero bore a bullet wound in the back and is recuperating in the same hospital. 

Four hours after the shooting, police collared a suspect, Redgie Timbreza, from his house in Dolores town, while another suspect, Rodel Pilor, is still being hunted.           

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