Nueva Vizcaya journalists hit Filipino-Jordanian

MANILA, Philippines - The Nueva Vizcaya Press Club, which groups media practitioners in the province and elsewhere in Cagayan Valley, has denounced a naturalized Filipino of Jordanian lineage for allegedly threatening and bullying some of its members.

The club passed a resolution detailing its complaints against Mahmoud Asfour. Nueva Vizcaya Rep. Carlos Padilla joined his constituents in denouncing Asfour by reading the resolution during the House session on Monday night.

Padilla later told reporters that Charlie Lagasca, The STAR’s correspondent in the region, was the latest media practitioner the Jordanian-Filipino has crossed path with.

“He threatened and bullied poor Charlie. I think Congress erred in granting citizenship to this guy,” he said.

“He has considerable influence. He recently stopped a Vizcaya court and the police from arresting him in connection with a criminal case. The court inexplicably allowed him to post bail before he could be arrested,” he said.

Asfour has been a resident of Nueva Vizcaya for 15 years, having married into a family in Barangay Casat, Bayombong town.

In its resolution, the press club alleged that the Jordanian-Filipino “has been flaunting his wealth and throwing his weight around.”

The group accused him of dropping the names of Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, who hails from Cagayan province; Ilocos Sur Gov. Luis “Chavit” Singson, former first lady and now Ilocos Norte Rep. Imelda Romualdez Marcos, and former Ilocos Norte congressman Roque Ablan Jr.

It alleged Asfour has also started “disregarding Filipino culture and traditions.”

By allegedly resorting to bullying and threatening tactics, the naturalized Filipino is in effect “taking advantage of the hospitality and patience of the Filipino people, such as the Novo Vizcayanos,” the press club said.

It sent copies of its resolution to national media organizations, other elective officials, the Nueva Vizcaya provincial government, and Bishop Ramon Villena of the Diocese of Bayombong.

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