Nueva Vizcaya cop charged for killing dog

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines – A local policeman faces a two-year prison term for allegedly killing a neighbor’s dog.

Senior Superintendent Pedro Danguilan, provincial police director, said that besides violation of Republic Act 8485 or the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, PO3 John Segundo may also lose his job if found guilty of the administrative cases filed against him over the fatal shooting of the dog.

Danguilan said criminal and administrative cases have been filed against Segundo last Jan. 11 or a week after the incident in Barangay Quezon in neighboring Solano town.

Under the Animal Welfare Act, except for certain instances, the “killing of any animal other than cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, rabbits, carabao and horse… is unlawful.”

Any person found guilty of violating this law faces imprisonment of not less than six months but not more than two years or a maximum fine of P5,000, or both.

Segundo, 48, now confined to quarters at the Santa Fe town police where he is assigned, allegedly shot dead the dog of Cathy Galasinao and poked his service firearm at her.

In her affidavit, Galasinao said Segundo, who was allegedly drunk, went to their house and while drinking a bottle of beer, toyed with her dog chained in front of her house.

However, Galasinao got Segundo’s ire after she advised him not to play with the dog to prevent it from getting mad.

But the policeman ignored her, taunting the dog until it bit him on the right hand. After this, Galasinao alleged that Segundo aimed his rifle at her.

Trembling with fear, Galasinao said she locked herself in her room, and minutes later, she heard gunshots from outside.

She said Segundo allegedly shot her dog in full view of tricycle drivers and pupils of a kindergarten school nearby.

Senior Inspector Maciste Serrano, Solano police chief, said his men recovered two slugs from an M-16 rifle and a 9-mm pistol at the scene.

“He will get what punishment he deserves. (We) will not condone this kind of action by (any) policeman,” said Chief Superintendent Roberto Damian, Cagayan Valley police director.

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