Sandiganbayan convicts ex-Taal mayors for graft

BATANGAS, Philippines — The Sandiganbayan Fourth Division has sentenced two former mayors of Taal town after being convicted of graft Thursday and were sentenced to be jailed each for 12-20 years.

The graft court convicted spouses Librado Cabrera and Fe Cabrera, both former municipal mayors of Taal, Batangas on two counts of graft each for allowing the fraudulent purchase of medical supplies without public bidding. “Respondents were ordered to reimburse the municipal government the amounts of P27,651.83 and P170,987.66, respectively, representing public funds spent on unauthorized travels” the Sandigan ruling said. Librado served as town mayor from 1995 to 1998 and was succeeded by his wife from 1998 to 2001. The Sandiganbayan overruled the defendants’ claim that they approved the purchases of the medicines without holding a public bidding because there was an emergency need for medicines at that time.

The Cabreras likewise insisted that they purchased the medicines directly from the manufacturer, hence, does not violate any law. “Other than asserting that the purchases in question are emergency purchases, accused did not prove or much less alleged that the requirements under this exception have been complied with,” the ruling said.

The graft court also noted Librado’s admission on the record that the president and general manager of the supplier, Diamond Laboratories Inc. was his relative including some of its incorporators. Also included in the charges against the Cabreras were illegal reimbursement of their travel expenses.

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