Sulu rights advocate seeks Supreme Court protection from threats

MANILA, Philippines – A human rights advocate has sought protection from the Supreme Court (SC) as he alleged that he has been getting threats from Sulu Gov. Abdusakur Tan and provincial police officials.

Temogen Tulawie, provincial president of the Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Societies and chairman of the human rights group Bawgbug, was allegedly forced to hide for fear for his life as a result of his constant opposition to Tan’s policies, according to a petition for writ of amparo filed by his wife, Mussah Sheriann, before the SC last Thursday.

The petitioner also asked the SC to direct Superintendent Mahibuddin Ismael, Sulu police director, to stop his men from allegedly harassing her husband.

In her seven-page petition, Mrs. Tulawie alleged that Tan had tapped the local Special Action Force, civilian emergency forces and Criminal Investigation and Detection Group to arrest her husband last June 10 without any warrant for being one of the main suspects in the bombing of the governor’s convoy last May 13.

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