Quezon mayor charged for graft

Lopez, Quezon , Philippines  – A muni­cipal mayor of this town is facing an administrative complaint filed by some barangay captains who bared the irre­gularities in various government transactions.

In an interview with Barangay Captain Albelio Reyes of Barangay Lourdes, spokesperson of the group revealed the alleged anomalies against Mayor Isaias Ubana II.

Reyes stated that on Feb. 4, at the office of the municipal accountant, he discovered that there was a voucher addressed to his barangay stating he received an item of plastic and glassware mer­chandise amounting of P35,560 last Nov. 24, 2008.

He also found out that his signature was forged on the said voucher but neither received such items and did not make any request from the mayor. A representative from the accounting office insisted to append it to their inventory.

The same happened to some barangay captains in Lopez town. They are Guillermo Maulawin, Barangay Magallanes; Oscar Aguirre, Barangay Rosario; Jesus Astillo, Barangay Matinik; Justiniano Calvario, Barangay Banabahin, and a certain Violeta Aceron of Barangay Mal-Ay, as an ordinary citizen.

The barangay captain also accused the personal secretary of Ubana of falsifying their signatures which was allegedly under the directives of the mayor.   

Aceron said that on April 25, 2008 she went to the mayor’s office to solicit two trophies for the incoming fiesta celebration of Barangay San Vicente, Gumaca. She reportedly signed some papers received. She was suprised when she got text messages from her progeny on Jan. 20, saying that there were local officials questioning Aceron being the recipient of plastic and glasswares worth P35,560.   – Michelle Zoleta

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