Mainstream MNLF holds 2-day meet

In a show of solidarity, the mainstream Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is holding a two-day national congress starting today in Marawi City.

Lawyer Emmanuel Fontanilla, MNLF spokesman for Mindanao, said though that the congress is a regular gathering of key MNLF leaders and major stakeholders in Mindanao.

“We are coming out in full force with a resolution declaring that the MNLF is not distracted by recent moves of the government and the renegade Council of 15,” Fontanilla.

Fontanilla was referring to the recent election in Pagadian City of Cotabato City Mayor Muslimin Sema as new MNLF chairman.

Detained MNLF chairman and former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao governor Nur Misuari himself refused to acknowledge Sema’s election. – Jaime Laude

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