We need higher security alert standards

The bombing of the Batasang Pambansa last Tuesday evening should be taken as a clear warning to all Filipinos that the diabolical work of terror groups has now reached the shores of the House of Representatives… that there are no sacred cows in this war against terror… that despite the special immunity given only to the members of Congress, they were not immune from such terror attacks. Clearly, the security at the Batasang Pambansa was lax, otherwise it would have been easy for forensic investigators to find out what caused the blast or who was behind this dastardly deed?

Once more police investigators are hard-pressed to come up with answers as to what caused this blast, whether those earlier reports that this was not really a terror bomb aimed at killing any unlucky individual who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The BBC reported initial police investigation suspected that this bomb was intended for Rep. Wahab Akbar of Basilan. So was this really an assassination by the use of explosives? Of course, all these questions have to be validated or confirmed and hopefully the perpetrators of this crime would be caught.

If you ask me, one of the problems we are facing today is that, our security forces, from the Philippine National Police (PNP) or the military or even the civilian security guards are never extra conscious of the security within their respected areas of responsibility. If any, the only areas that seem to maintain a daily high-alert are our International Airports at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) or at the Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) and most of the ports not only in Cebu but also in many other ports throughout the country.

But security in many shopping malls, stores and I dare say even the Batasan Pambansa isn’t up to the levels or standards of airports security. Of course, now that the country is once more on a high state of alert, Filipinos who are always reactionary are again conscious of their own surroundings. But after the story of this bombing dies down… so will our guard die down. As the old saying goes, “The price for Democracy is eternal vigilance.” We can only hope that we would learn some lessons about this dastardly incident.

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In response to our article last Wednesday on whether we needed another Cardinal, here’s an e-mailed response which we are reprinting in full.

“Mr. Avila, I would just like to comment on your column “ Wanted: Better Catholics, not new cardinals.” Frankly, I was turned off by that article regarding Senator Arroyo’s question about the number of our cardinals. I have always admired Senator Arroyo regarding any issues he takes up and in my blind admiration for him, I would sometimes close my eyes and tell myself that he is right. But this is one issue that shocked me to reality that he is to me now just another politician who wants to dip his fingers on anything just to make a point. There are so many pressing issues and problems in our country that Senator Arroyo can help with without dwelling on issues on the inequality of distribution of cardinals. Isnt that the problem of the Vatican?

I dont think it is nationalism to demand increase in the number of cardinals. Why dont we just live as true Catholics in the real sense, better Catholics instead of wasting our time and the people’s money by enacting bills asking why we have less cardinals. Cardinals do not make a country catholic; it is how people live their ordinary life in accordance with the teachings of the church. Let us not practice our religion in accordance with its convenience to our lives.

amanda sison           


15 San Miguel Court, Valle Verde 5 Pasig.”

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Here’s another letter addressed to our Editor-in-Chief Isaac G. Belmonte dated Sept.25, 2007 by Elizabeth Pilorin OIC Public Information Division of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and we’re reprinting it in full in this corner.

“Dear Sir, This has reference to the published comments “Supply/Installation of the streetlamps in the cities of Lapu-Lapu, Mandaue and Cebu are no longer working or are busted. (Philippine Star 08 Aug.2007). According to Assistant Regional Director Jorge Sebastian, Jr. of the DPWH Regional Office VIII, all activities and even payments to be made to the contractor are being suspended in compliance with the cease and desist order duly issued by the Office of the Ombudsman for Visayas in view of the ongoing investigation on these streetlamps that were allegedly purchased at highest cost for the 12th ASEAN Leaders Summit. We hope we had clarified the issue for the benefit of the people that we both serve. Thank you and more power.

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For email responses to this article, write to vsbobita@mozcom.com. Bobit Avila’s columns can also be accessed through www.philstar.com. He also hosts a weekly talkshow entitled, “Straight from the Sky” shown every Monday only in Metro Cebu on Channel 15 on SkyCable at 8 in the evening.

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