Senators not keen on NBN deal, wants it cancelled

Two senators on Monday called for the outright cancellation of the controversial National Broadband Network project with a Chinese firm.

Sen. Loren Legarda said the Philippines should initiate diplomatic talks with China so that the two countries can "jointly abrogate" the US$329-million NBN project that would be installed by Shenzen-based ZTE Corp. using a soft loan from Beijing,

"The project has become too tainted -- too quarrelsome -- it is no longer tenable," Legarda said.

"The Philippines should persuade China that the rescission of the deal is in the best interest of both countries. And that a mutual annulment is definitely much better than a unilateral cancellation by the Philippines," Legarda said.

Likewise, Senator Mar Roxas said the executive must show more decisiveness in dealing with China by scrapping altogether the controversy-ridden NBN contract.

"The announcement of the Departments of Trade and Justice last Saturday to suspend the NBN deal changes nothing, as the Supreme Court had already put it on hold two weeks ago," said Roxas, who filed today Senate Resolution No. 144 urging the President to cancel the ZTE contract.

"The government must show it can stand up for the people's interest, and cancel the deal altogether," he added.

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