Abu Sayyaf post video on the Internet seeking financial help

The Abu Sayyaf terror group is seeking financial help in the form of arms, medicines, and prayers from fellow Muslims around the world, according to the SITE Institute Friday.

According to the international research group called The Seach for International Terrorist Entities, the al-Qaeda linked group had posted a video with a running time of more than an hour entitled "The Lions are Coming" in jihadist forums last Wednesday.

Archived footage of Abu Sayyaf founder Abdul Raziq Abu Bakr Janjalani (Abu Sayyaf) and Khadaffi Janjalani giving speeches were also included in the video.

The two were urging Muslims to contribute support, both financial and material, to the Mujahideen in Abu Sayyaf.

"Our only goal is to try to establish an Islamic state. We understand that establishing a Muslim State is not limited to Mindanao. We do not have any choice but to start with Mindanao. If we succeed, we will move to Visayas, then to Besoon, Allah willing, until we reach al-Quds [Jerusalem]," Janjalani said in the video.

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