P.5-M porn film labels seized

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has raided an alleged manufacturer and distributor of pornographic labels for pirated video compact discs (VCDs) and digital video discs (DVDs) in Metro Manila and seized P500,000 worth of printed materials and equipment.

NBI Regional Director Ruel Lasala, of the bureau’s National Capital Region (NCR) office, said his agents raided the JMNS Printing Corp. located at 92 M.H. del Pilar corner Roque Streets in Tugatog, Malabon at 11 a.m. last July 27.

Special Investigator Rolando Bisarra said the establishment’s owner, Jose Chui, is reportedly the supplier of pornographic labels of pirated CDs and VCDs in Quiapo and Binondo in Manila, Greenhills in San Juan City, and in Caloocan City.

They seized five computers and three sacks of printed materials for pornographic movies and Japanese anime, estimated to be worth P500,000. They were unable to bring the printing ma-chine with them because it was huge and bolted to the ground.

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