Basketball superstar Yao says criticism against him 'unfair'

BEIJING (AFP) - Yao Ming believes he is being treated unfairly after a local newspaper accused the Chinese star of dodging his national team duties, state press reported Friday.

The China Sports Daily, run by the country's sports administrators, said Yao was taking too much time to recover from injury and wasting time on promotional activities.

"I know Chinese law protects people's right of speech but I feel this is unfair on me," he was quoted saying in the China Daily on Friday.

"I entered the national team at the age of 18 and have competed for the national team for 10 years. I promise I have played with 100 percent focus every year. The team are witnesses to my improvement and also my commitment."

The 27-year-old, currently training with the national team, will not be ready to play until September due to a shoulder injury. He will miss an international tournament in China this month and a European tour in August.

The China Sports Daily had said the Houston Rockets star needed to put the national side first in his priorities.

"No matter how lofty public welfare activities are, they can't be allowed to take first place in a player's life," it said in Monday's edition.

"No matter how sweet personal life is, it can't be compared to the exultation of capturing glory for one's nation."

But the 2.26-metre (seven-foot-six-inch) Yao, who has also been helping promote the Special Olympics in Shanghai in October, said he had been coordinating his moves with the national team.

"I had a talk with the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) about the time of return and also my shoulder injury, so I am not doing
things at random," he said.

"I cancelled my surgery because I don't want to let it hamper the team's preparation for the Beijing Olympics."

Yao, expected to marry longtime sweetheart Ye Li in August, is at the top of the Forbes magazine list of richest Chinese celebrities, earning over 32 million dollars from basketball and sponsorship activities in 2006.

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