MILF to investigate beheading of Marines

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will constitute an investigating team to conduct probe on the beheading of Philippine Marines after the encounter in Guinanta, Tipo-Tipo, Basilan.

The probe body would investigate who were responsible for the "beheading" of 11 Marine soldiers; an act both strictly prohibited by Islam and the Geneva Conventions that provide rules of engagement especially on non-combatants.

A source in the MILF Central Committee, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the three-man team would be headed by a senior member of the MILF military General Staff, who has been involved in the ceasefire committee of the MILF.

The team would also look into the killing and "beheading" of imam Hakim Ali (in another report Alkanul) in the same village where the fierce fighting took place last Tuesday, reportedly committed by the same Marines that figured in bloody encounter with MILF forces on July 10, 2000.

Ustadz Matarul Hakim Alkanul, who was partially blind, was found dead near his house in the morning of July 10 in Guinanta.

As this developed, the government and MILF coordinating committees on cessation of hostilities (CCCH) headed by Brig. Gen. Edgardo Gurrea and Von Al-Haq, respectively are ready to jump off to Basilan to investigate not only the beheading but also why the Marines failed to "coordinate" prior to the unfortunate incident.

The Malaysian-led International Monitoring Team (IMT) would join the group, but is waiting for the "green light" from Kuala Lumpur to do so.

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