In an interview with The Star during the launching of the LTO’s instant processing office at the SM mall here, Berroya noted that of the 1.3 million unregistered vehicles, some 300,000 were motorcycles or tricycles.
Berroya said the government lost some P300 million in revenues from vehicle registration because of the proliferation of unregister vehicles last year.
"Eventually, we will have massive operations on these vehicles," he said.
The LTO is still studying why owners fail to register their vehicles but noted that in the case of tricycles, many local government units have cut down the issuance of franchises.
"Franchises for tricycles are under the jurisdiction of local government units," he explained. "I appeal to the vehicle owners to register because they will pay more if they are caught."
He said vehicle registration fees is cheaper the P1,500 fine imposed by LTO for an unregistered vehicle. If it’s the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) that catches you, the fine is even higher at P6,000," he added.
But Berroya admitted that his office is in a quandary over the case of tricycles, most of which have so-called two-stroke engines that spew fumes and fail government emission standards.
"I know of a transport cooperative that offers to covert tricycle parts to make motorccyle emission conform to our standards but I heard it costs P15,000, which is unaffordable to most drivers," he said.
He added that it is a complicated situation that needs further scrutiny but the LTO is mandated to enforce the law on pollution.