Ecija rebel leader surrenders

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya — A communist rebel leader, whose unit operates in the boundary of this province and Nueva Ecija, yielded to government authorities here yesterday, following days of negotiation for his return to normal life.

Adrian Melecio, 37, alias Ka Ramil, also surrendered his M14 Armalite rifle to the police led by provincial police director Senior Superintendent Rogelio Damazo, who led the government team that negotiated his surrender.

Following what he described as abuses committed by the military against him and his family, Melecio, who hails from the remote mountain town of Kayapa here, confessed that he went on to join the communist armed movement in 2002, hoping that he would be able to get sympathy from his "new-found comrades."

At the time of his surrender Melecio, police said, was a unit commander of the Nueva Ecija Party Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA).

Melecio said he decided to leave the movement so that his family can lead a new life. Authorities said the rebel leader wants to rear his eight children under normal circumstances.

He called on the government to help him get a job or livelihood opportunities so he can support his family and send his children to school.

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