Ex-Tawi-Tawi lawmaker reclaims seat

A former congressman reclaimed his seat after the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) ruled in his favor and declared him the rightful winner in the May 2004 congressional elections in Tawi-Tawi.

Rep. Nur Jaafar, who unseated his rival, Anuar Abubakar, 10 months before the May 2007 mid-term polls, said he has taken his oath of office as the lone Tawi-Tawi representative before Speaker Jose de Venecia.

The Muslim lawyer, a member of Lakas-CMD, said he intends to join the House committees on Muslim affairs, justice and labor and employment.

Jaafar was a member of the 9th, 10th and 11th Congress.

The HRET said its decision on Jaafar’s victory was "final and executory."

In a 28-page decision, the nine-man body annulled Abubakar’s proclamation by the provincial board of canvassers, declaring that his 2,040-vote margin was just a "presumptive lead."

"The plurality of votes belongs to Jaafar who garnered 27,257 votes as against Abubakar who obtained 25,705 votes," the HRET said, highlighting Jaafar’s 1,552-vote margin.

Shortly after the May 2004 polls, the Commission on Elections declared Abubakar the winner based on the 37,720 votes he garnered compared to Jaafar’s 35,680 votes.

Jaafar was unconvinced though and filed his electoral protest in June 2004, questioning the tabulations in 10 of Tawi-Tawi’s municipalities, among them Panglima, Sugala, Mapun, Bongao, South Ubian, Simunul and Sitangkai.

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