Closer Batanes-Taiwan relations eyed

BASCO, Batanes — In an attempt to improve the strained relations between this northernmost territory of the Philippines and its neighbor, Taiwan, the latter’s ambassador arrived here Sunday to listen to the Ivatans’ (the natives) reservations and interest in Taiwan trade.

Ambassador Hsin-Hsing Wu, representative of the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office, met yesterday with representatives of various government agencies and non-government organizations, in what he calls as "a mission of friendship and goodwill."

Gov. Vicente Gato and Rep. Henedina Abad led the Ivatans in welcoming the Taiwanese delegation, which include Wu, his Economic Director Fu-Sheng Chen and Consul General Benjamin Hong.

Wu’s visit is a record of sorts as this is the first-ever trip here of a Taiwanese diplomat.

While no mention was made on the alleged shooting incident in the municipal waters of the island-municipality of Sabtang early this year, it was clear that Wu wanted a more friendly relations with the country.

"It is our desire that you continue to protect our fishermen, who occasionally get arrested for intruding into your territorial waters," Wu said.

In the alleged shooting incident, local police fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat. A crewmember was reportedly seriously wounded and subsequently died aboard the ship.

Wu also asked the Ivatans how his country could help them now that there is already a direct airlink between the southern city of Kaoshiung and this capital town.

The Taiwanese delegation was surprised with the people’s overwhelming request for everything, including second-hand motorcycles, computers, clothes and fishing boats.

"If you need our assistance, let us know. We are here to help you," Wu further told his audience. "In return, we expect your friendship and goodwill," he added.

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