Guitar parts maker, antique restorer to locate at Clark

CLARK FIELD, Pampanga — A world-renowed Australian manufacturer of electric guitar accessories and a Japanese corporation restoring Japanese antique furniture have signed agreements with the Clark Development Corp. (CDC) to establish factories at the Clark special economic zone.

The CDC announced yesterday that the Australian firm Sonimetrix Inc. is investing some P20 million in an electric guitar accessories plant, while the Kiku Imports Company Phils. Inc. will initially invest P1.5 million in an antique furniture restoration factory.

"The Australian investor manufactures so-called ‘pick-up’ parts commonly known as fedners for electric guitars," said CDC president and chief executive officer Antonio Ng.

He said Australia’s Kinman brand holds a patent for these fenders, which famous rock artists such as Carlos Santana and Eric Clapton and top electric guitar users in the United States, Europe and Australia patronize.

Sinometrix will also manufacture electrical audio transducers and other gadgets that enhance guitar sound and audio system in its plant here, Ng added.

CDC marketing manager Rafael Galvez said Sinometrix will initially employ 20 workers in its first year of operations.

On the other hand, Ng said Kiku will import antique furniture from Japan, refurbish and then export them to growing markets in the US and Japan.   

Kiku, which specializes in the restoration of old furniture and other antiques, "will take advantage of local Filipino ingenuity, particularly when it comes to furniture," Ng said.

Galvez said this project will be the first of its kind in the Philippines. 

He said Kiku (which means chrysanthemum in Japanese) has similar investments in New York.

According to Galvez, restoration of antique furniture has become a growing industry in Japanese due to the lack of wood amid global efforts to conserve the environment.

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