110 Tacurong b’gay officials face poll raps

KORONADAL CITY — The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has filed charges of vote-buying and unlawful disbursement of funds against 110 barangay officials of nearby Tacurong City, saying it has found probable cause to indict them.

The Comelec, through lawyer Alioden Dalaig, director IV of its law department, filed the charges with the Regional Trial Court Branch 20 of the 12th Judicial Region under Judge Melanio Guerrero.

The filing of charges came after the Comelec en banc issued a resolution dated Sept. 30, a copy of which was obtained by The STAR, giving way to the electoral protest filed by former Tacurong City vice mayor Jonald Lagon and losing councilor bet Carlos Uy.

Lagon and Uy both sought the annulment of the proclamation of the elected city officials on the ground that the May 10, 2004 local polls were tainted with massive irregularities.

A bail of P24,000 was recommended for each of the 110 barangay officials.

The Comelec also ordered the filing of the same charges against incumbent Tacurong Mayor Lino Montilla, Vice Mayor Charito Collado, councilors Cirilo Flores, Eladio Sustiguer, Psyche Sucaldito, Jesus Arcellana and Andres Palabrica, city treasurer Doris Lapuz, city accountant Elma Bides, city budget officer Nestor Nomananap, and city social welfare development officer Eufemia Robles.

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