GMA orders tighter security on telecom cell sites

Alarmed over the increasing bombing incidents perpetrated by communist rebels on telecommunication towers of Globe Telecoms, President Arroyo ordered yesterday Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Arturo Lomibao to put in place measures to thwart future attacks on such facilities.

The President asked for a briefing from Lomibao in Malacañang as to why the New People’s Army (NPA) has been targeting cell sites, particularly that of Globe’s. Some 15 telecommunication towers of the firm have been bombed or toppled by the NPA for this year alone.

"The President considers these (attacks) as acts of terrorism because of harm and disruption done to the country’s communications and investments," PNP spokesman Senior Superintendent Leopoldo Bataoil said.

He said the PNP adopted a three-tiered defense system against attacks on telecommunication towers: intelligence, where information would be gathered on possible Globe cell sites targeted by the NPA; target hardening, where authorities would coordinate with Globe management to identify targets and strengthen security of installations; and incident management, where coordination with local government units, the Armed Forces and Globe management would be done for pursuit operations, investigation and the filing of cases.

Bataoil and Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez said authorities are looking into reports that Globe may have been refusing to pay "revolutionary taxes" to the NPA that is why its towers are being bombed.

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