Defensor asked: Relieve DENR’s Vizcaya head over illegal logging

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya — The provincial board has passed a resolution asking Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Michael Defensor to relieve the provincial environment chief from his post for allegedly failing to curb the illegal cutting of trees and timber poaching in this landlocked province.

The subject of the 13-member board’s resolution was forester Roberto Apigo, the provincial environment and natural resources officer, whom they have faulted for the continuing illegal cutting of trees across the province, particularly in the watershed of Alfonso Castañeda town where the Casecnan project derives its water for irrigation and power generation.

Board member Patricio Dumlao, who authored the resolution, said Apigo has refused to take direct responsibility for the illegal tree-cutting and timber poaching.

"It’s better for him to be transferred to another area. We cannot take working with him with his style of leadership and the way he deals with this problem," Dumlao said.

Acting on complaints, Gov. Luisa Lloren-Cuaresma earlier had ordered an investigation into the reported illegal tree-cutting and timber poaching, particularly in the Casecnan forest reserves.

A Casecnan barangay official accused some environment and police personnel of allegedly conniving with the illegal loggers and timber poachers.

Dumlao said similar illegal activities were also taking place in other forested areas of the province such as in the mountain towns of Ambaguio, Kayapa and Kasibu.

Apigo admitted that there might be cases of illegal cutting of trees and timber poaching, but said they were just "isolated." He, however, promised to investigate the reports.

For his part, Senior Superintendent Robert Mangaccat, provincial police director, vowed to look into the alleged involvement of some of his men in the transport of the illegally cut forest products.

"We are asking for his (Apigo’s) relief due to his failure to stop timber poaching in Casecnan," said board member Edu Balgos, who chairs the board’s legal affairs committee.

Apigo said he respects the provincial board’s move. "As far as I’m concerned, I’m doing all my best but I couldn’t do anything if they want my relief here. I have to respect their decision," he said.

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