SC asked to stop Aug. 8 ARMM polls

Four Muslim groups asked the Supreme Court yesterday to issue a temporary restraining order to stop the Aug. 8 elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

The petitioners were Anak Mindanano party-list Rep. Mujiv Hataman, ARMM Assemblyman Usman Sarangani, Suara Bangsa Moro party-list Rep. Cosain Naga Jr., and lawyers Nasser Marohomsalic, Algamar Latiph, Musa Malayang, Abdul Jamal Dimaporo and Carim Panumpang of the Muslim Legal Assistance Foundation Inc.

In a 31-page urgent petition, they specifically asked the High Court to stop Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita and Budget and Management Secretary Emilia Boncodin from authorizing the release of public funds for the ARMM elections and also the Comelec from proceeding with the scheduled polls. — Jose Rodel Clapano

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