Fish kills 2, downs 24 in Sual

DAGUPAN CITY — Two persons died, while 24 other residents of Sual town were confined at the Region 1 Medical Center (RIMC) here after they ate fish locally known as "bonor (goby)."

The fatalities, Danilo Ramos, 42, and Gerald Ramos, 30, both residents of Barangay Capantolan, Sual town, did not reach the Western Pangasinan District Hospital in Alaminos City and the RIMC alive, respectively.

Still in critical condition is Leonard Baladad Sr., 41.

The youngest victim, Love Joy Valdez, is five years old, and the oldest, Toafilo Valdoz, is 70 years old. All of the victims are relatives.

Dr. Thea Abalos and Dr. Allan Laguardia of the RIMC’s pediatric and internal medicine sections, respectively, said the victims felt numbness in their tongues and lips and vomited after eating brown spotted goby for lunch last Monday.

According to the two doctors, somebody who has eaten at least 10 to 15 pieces of this type of goby will experience mild symptoms of poisoning, while consuming about 30 to 50 pieces will lead to serious symptoms.

The doctors suspect that the brown spotted goby, also known as bonog among Ilocanos, contain tetrodotoxin, a neuro toxin which can cause paralysis. — With Cesar Ramirez

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