5 Davao bombing suspects may be freed

DAVAO CITY — The Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) here said the remaining five suspects in the twin bombings that struck Davao City in 2003 could be freed the same way that charges of multiple murder and multiple frustrated murder against the almost 200 Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) leaders and officers were dropped last year.

PAO chief Persida Rueda-Acosta told The STAR that lawyers of the five remaining suspects could very well make use of the same line of reasoning used in justifying the release of the MILF leaders — that there was no concrete evidence linking them to the bombings.

Suspected MILF members Esmael Mamalangkas, Toto Akmhad, Tohami Bagundang, Ting Idar and Jimmy Balulao are still detained at the Davao City Jail facility while facing the same charges of multiple murder and multiple frustrated murder for their alleged involvement in the bombings that struck a waiting shed at the old Davao International Airport and the passenger terminal of the Sasa Wharf in 2003.

"But our office cannot intervene on the cases of the suspects who have remained in detention," Acosta told The STAR.

She said the lawyers of the suspects could also file a petition for review with the Department of Justice. — Edith Regalado

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