Senior Superintendent David Quimio, Lipa City PNP chief, identified the victims as Kenney Hernandez, traffic enforcer of the Traffic Management Division; and Gil Castillo, alias Boy Baguio, an executive assisstant.
Hernandez died on the spot while Castillo expired while being treated at the hospital. Both sustained gunshot wounds in the head and chest.
Meanwhile, Rex Bobis, a messenger, was rushed to the Lipa Medix Hospital for treatment. He sustained a gunshot wound in the right thigh.
Investigation showed that the three were eating their breakfast in a makeshift carinderia near the perimeter fence of the City Hall when two unidentified gunmen appeared and shot Hernandez and Castillo several times. Bobis, who was seating near the two victims, was hit by a stray bullet and was rushed to the hospital by other City Hall employees.
Police recovered 12 spent shells of a caliber .45 pistol at the crime scene. — Arnell Ozaeta