Albay blast suspect gets life term

LEGAZPI CITY — One of two brothers charged for the 1999 fiesta bombing in Rapu-Rapu, Albay that left 15 villagers dead and over 70 others wounded, was meted life imprisonment.

In a 38-page decision, Judge Romeo Dañas of Regional Trial Court Branch 1 sentenced Reynaldo Barde to reclusion perpetua (life imprisonment), but acquitted his brother, Jimmy, due to insufficient evidence.

Reynaldo was identified by his cousin, Elmer Oloroso, the principal witness, as the one who hurled a grenade into the enclosed dancing area during the fiesta celebration in Barangay Liguan in Rapu-Rapu town past midnight of April 15, 1999.

The grenade blast killed 15 residents on the spot, including Oloroso’s brother Nicanor.

Reynaldo was also ordered to indemnify each of the victims’ families in the sum of P85,000.

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