Transport strike cripples Caraga

BUTUAN CITY — A two-day transport strike in the Caraga region started yesterday stranding commuters and affecting public and private schools in major areas.

Willy Cubillas, president of Butuan Auto Calesa Operators and Drivers Association (BACODA) told The STAR that except the big bus companies plying Davao, Cagayan de Oro and Surigao City routes, all jeepneys, tricycles and motorized trisikads in Butuan City, Surigao City, and in Bayugan and San Francisco towns in Agusan del Sur and Tandag, Surigao del Sur participated in the strike.

"The strike was 98 percent successful and I hope the concerned government agencies will realize that jeepney, tricycle and motorized trisikad drivers are serious in their clamor for a fare increase, a P1 roll back in fuel prices and the abolition of the oil deregulation law," Cubillas told The STAR in an interview.

Cubillas said that a certain Ariel Lim, reportedly the Presidential Assistant for Tricycle Transport Affairs, assured the transport groups in the region a few weeks ago that he will bring their clamor to the attention of President Arroyo.

"But until now his promise for President Arroyo to address these problems were never fulfilled and so we decided to proceed with our plan for a transport strike," Cubillas said.

He added that if government fails to address their demands despite the success of yesterday’s strike, they will continue the planned protest actions.

The transport groups here have asked the Land Transportation, Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) for a P1 fare hike and also demanded an increase in the minimum wage of workers.

"We understand the plight of ordinary workers so we included a wage hike increase in our demands," said Carlos Buico of the Transport Federation of Caraga.

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