The request, according to sources, is in connection with the case of Filipino Jaybe Ofrasio, who was arrested in Northern Ireland more than a week ago for allegedly providing funds to terrorists.
The request was contained in a note verbale sent to the Malaysian government last week, the sources said.
The sources said Ofrasio allegedly provided refuge and funds to the suspected Indonesian terrorist when he was still in the Philippines.
The detained Indonesian reportedly confessed to Malaysian authorities his alleged links with Ofrasio, information which led to Ofrasios arrest in Northern Ireland.
As soon as the Malaysian government approves the request, the sources said a team of Filipino interrogators will be sent to Malaysia to get more information from the suspect.
Northern Ireland authorities released Ofrasio after several days of interrogation and charged him with alleged violation of the United Kingdoms Terror Act of 2000.
A Belfast court is set to hear Ofrasios plea for bail today.
Ofrasio arrived in Belfast six months ago and worked there as a hardware store cleaner and cashier in a university.
The Department of Foreign Affairs said Ofrasio is legally staying in Northern Ireland with a dependent visa and a valid work permit. He is with his wife, Indira Abdullah.
The department has given assurance that Ofrasio will be provided with the necessary legal assistance.