Butuan courts order arrest of 3 radiomen

BUTUAN CITY — Two Regional Trial Court judges have issued warrants of arrest for three broadcasters in connection with libel complaints filed against them by Butuan City Mayor Leonides Theresa Plaza.

Facing arrest are Erwin Dano, chief reporter of dxBR Bombo Radyo Butuan; Norbert Pagaspas, former dxBR station manager and now an Agusan del Norte vice gubernatorial candidate; and Reggie Asenas, former reporter of Bombo Radyo.

Plaza has accused the three radiomen of using the airwaves to besmirch her and her family’s reputation.

In his radio program yesterday morning, Dano, however, criticized the city government for being "onion-skinned" to tirades on its supposed poor performance in repairing bad roads and addressing poverty.

Bombo Radyo
, in a statement, blamed the city government’s "poor and selective media relations" and being "too onion-skinned to legitimate issues raised by media" for its strained relations with broadcasters.

The radio station also rapped the city government for allegedly delaying the issuance of its business permit since 2001.

But the city government denied this, explaining that it was just complying with rules and regulations on business permit applications.

Dano blamed the "dirty hand of politics" behind the warrants of arrest for him and his two colleagues, and vowed that he would continue to ventilate the grievances of ordinary Butuan City folk.

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