Parang blast suspect innocent, says mayor

CAMP SIONGCO, Maguindanao — A town mayor who has custody of one of two primary suspects in the Jan. 4 bombing of a gymnasium in Parang, Maguindanao, insisted yesterday that the man is innocent and urged probers to go after the real culprits.

Speaking over Catholic radio station dxMS, an outfit of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate congregation in Cotabato City, Datu Toto Mangudadatu, mayor of Buluan town, said he is convinced of the innocence of suspect Suharto Ahmad.

Police have filed charges against Ahmad and Parang councilor Abdul Katab in connection with the blast which left 22 people dead and 71 wounded, including Parang Mayor Vivencio Bataga.

Ahmad surrendered to Mangudadatu, who is seeking re-election in the coming polls. Katab is still at large.

"It is very possible that Ahmad is also a victim. Like the families of those killed and wounded in the bombing, he is also yearning for justice," Mangudadatu said.

Ahmad has denied having any hand in the attack, disowning as his the bomb-laden motorcycle used in the bombing. — John Unson

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