NPA rebs rescue 5 Quezon prisoners

Ten heavily armed men, who introduced themselves as New People’s Army (NPA) members, rescued five Quezon inmates while being brought to the court in Gumaca town yesterday morning.

Chief Superintendent Jaime Caringal, Calabarzon police director, said the rebels, reportedly aged 18 to 20, flagged down the van carrying the inmates several meters away from the compound of the Gumaca Regional Trial Court at about 7 a.m.

When the four jailguards escorting the inmates refused to stop, the rebels opened fire, hitting JO3 Maximino Manalo in the chest, forearm and knee.

The jailguards were subsequently overpowered, and the rebels fled with the five inmates, two of them identified as Juanito Miravilla and Jessie Duran, who are facing charges of murder and frustrated murder.

The rebels also took two caliber .45 pistols of the jailguards and keys to the inmates’ handcuffs.

According to reports, Miravilla and Duran later gave themselves up after the rebels released them. It was unclear whether the three other prisoners were still with the guerrillas.

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