Acting Labor Secretary Manuel Imson said the number of SARS cases among Filipino migrants in Hong Kong and Singapore rose to 25 from last weeks total cases of 18, including one death.
"Latest reports coming from labor officials in Hong Kong show that six more OFWs and a Filipina, who is married to a Chinese national, have been afflicted with SARS," Imson said.
Imson said the six OFWs are now under observation in a private confinement area, while the 59-year-old Filipina, who is already a Hong Kong resident, is currently at the intensive care unit of the United Christian Hospital there, but is reportedly conscious and in stable condition.
With SARS cases in Hong Kong still rising, the Philippine government is now preparing to ban Filipino travelers as well as migrant workers from going to the former Crown Colony.
Due to the SARS outbreak, Imson said the DOLE has decided to extend the ban on the deployment of domestic helpers to Hong Kong, which was earlier imposed due to the wage cut for foreign domestics there.
"The ban should have been lifted with the filing of the case in court against the wage cut, but the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) will still not process contracts for Hong Kong-bound domestic helpers until the situation there has improved," Imson said.
He said the existing ban covers only domestic helpers but if the situation further worsens, the government may opt to expand the suspension to all types of workers.
Imson added that the deployment ban also covers Filipino workers who are planning to work in Guangdong, China. Although there are no Filipino workers in Guangdong at present, he said there may be Filipinos who may want to go there.
Imson said the Philippine consulate in Hong Kong has itself recommended a temporary suspension on the deployment of OFWs to Hong Kong effective immediately.
"The daily updates and increasing statistics on SARS cases indicate that this disease is far from being under control in Hong Kong and there appears to be no sign in the horizon that the situation will improve in the very near future," Philippine consul general to Hong Kong Victoria Bataclan said in recommending the deployment ban.
Bataclan said a big number of foreign workers have already left Hong Kong to avoid the risks of contracting SARS.
An estimated 170,000 Filipinos, mostly domestic helpers, are currently employed in Hong Kong.