Cory’s brod-in-law yields to Luisita workers’ demands

HACIENDA LUISITA, Tarlac - The management of the Cojuangco-owned Central Azucarera de Tarlac (CAT) in this 6,000-hectare sugar estate has yielded to its striking workers’ demands after one of its senior executives met with union leaders in "exploratory talks" for about four hours last Wednesday night.

During the meeting held in the office of the CAT Labor Union (CATLU), Ernesto Teopaco, CAT’s vice president for planters relations, agreed to all of the protest leaders’ demands.

Teopaco is also a brother-in-law of former President Corazon Aquino, and presidential adviser on food security and jobs creation, former Tarlac Rep. Jose "Peping" Cojuangco Jr.

However, the firm’s official remained reluctant in giving in to demands by the workers for management to restore previous regular company positions that have been downgraded to seasonal status.

According to CATLU president Ricardo Ramos, Teopaco has already agreed that management will reinstate 18 employees who were terminated, as well as the restoration and granting of additional health and hospitalization benefits to the workers.

Also, he said that the CAT official conceded to demands that Dr. Salvador Fontanilla, the sugar firm’s medical director for more than 20 years now, be relieved.

The sugar estate’s resident doctor has been accused by the striking workers of having stripped them off of their hospitalization and other health benefits.

Prior to the meeting, Teopaco has also ordered the restoration of electricity being provided by CAT to Barangay Central.

Power has been cut off in the said village by the sugar firm, affecting about 700 households, shortly after CATLU members overwhelmingly voted for a strike about two weeks ago, prompting union leaders to accuse the management of having resorted to "blackmail."

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