2 Sino-looking men found dead

BATANGAS CITY — Two Chinese-looking men were found dead in a dinghy, their bodies already decomposing, in Sablayan, Oriental Mindoro Wednesday afternoon, the Coast Guard said.

Commander Avelino Fortuna, deputy head of the 5th Coast Guard district, said the victims, still both unidentified, were probably dead for six to seven days before they were found in the waters off Sablayan.

One of the victims was described as about 30 to 35 years old and five feet, nine inches’ tall, and wearing a pair of shorts. He had a wound in the abdomen.

The other victim had multiple wounds in the body. He was said to be about 35 to 40 years old and five feet, seven inches’ tall and clad only in briefs. — Arnell Ozaeta, Jose Aravilla

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