Ampatuan’s grandson negative for powder burns

DAVAO CITY — A grandson of Maguindanao Gov. Andal Am—patuan, accused of fatally shooting a businessman’s son last Sunday, has tested negative for gunpowder burns.

Records at the police crime laboratory here showed that Mohamad Bahnarin Ampatuan, 18, tested negative for gunpowder nitrates in a paraffin test conducted a day after the killing of Carlos Asistido, 28, at the Venue entertainment compound here.

Asistido was shot when he reportedly tried to pacify the warring groups of the young Ampatuan and Jun-Jun Paglas, son of former Datu Paglas mayor Ibrahim Paglas.

Police have filed murder charges against Ampatuan, whose father, Datu Tato Am—patuan, is the mayor of Mama—sapano, Maguindanao.

San Pedro police station chief Leonard Felonio, however, was unfazed by the paraffin test results, saying they have witnesses who could pinpoint Ampatuan as the one who shot Asistido.

"The paraffin test results are not conclusive. The court will decide on his case," he said.

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