NEA head’s suspension sought by coop ‘victim’

KALIBO, Aklan — The general manager of the Aklan rural electric cooperative has sought the preventive suspension of the administrator of the National Electrification Administration (NEA) for what he called "unreasonable, oppressive, whimsical and capricious" attempt to suspend him without due process and without any complaint.

Leovegildo Mationg, general manager of the Aklan Electric Cooperative Inc., complained before the Office of the Ombudsman that Fr. Francisco Silva, NEA administrator, violated his constitutional rights when he tried to kick him out of AKELCO without authority from the NEA board.

AKELCO is the private electric cooperative that supplies power to Aklan and parts of Antique and the tourist destinations Kalibo and Boracay.

Mationg filed his complaint on May 13 at the office of the Ombudsman.

Mationg asked the Office of the Ombudsman to preventively suspend Silva so he could not use the powers of his office to his advantage and to terrorize witnesses against him.

Mationg said Silva had on several occasions, asked him to resign because of pressure from Aklan Rep. Gabrielle Calizo, a political rival against whom Mationg ran and lost in the last local elections.

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