Taal mayor snubs NBI probe

BATANGAS CITY — The National Bureau of Investigation Regional office had expressed disappointment over the rejection of Taal mayor Librado Cabrera to cooperate with their investigation over the alleged shoot-out, killing his former political ally and wounding his close-in-bodyguard in a cockpit Sunday morning.

NBI Region IV Director Edwin Villarta said he already subpoenaed mayor Cabrera and is close-in bodyguard Herman Pesigan for questioning last Wednesday. Both have refused as advised by their lawyer.

"That is their civil rights, they have the right to remain silent" Villarta said. "But we will not stop gathering other evidences pertinent to this case" he said.

Cabrera through his lawyer said that the Taal police had started their own investigation. "Let the police handle this case" Cabrera said.

This developed after Taal Councilor Aida Villamin, wife of the slain alleged gunman of the late Mayor Felipe Villamin, sought the assistance of the NBI after fearing of a whitewash in the investigation by the Taal police. Villamin vehemently denied her husband as the suspect, instead, she claimed that he was the victim.

Sources said Cabrera and Villamin had a heated argument before the shooting happened.— Arnell Ozaeta

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