‘Nur met with Abu Sayyaf leaders for possible alliance’

Outgoing Gov. Nur Misuari of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) met early this month with the leaders of the Abu Sayyaf, reportedly to enlist the extremist group’s help in ruining the peaceful conduct of the region’s elections on Nov. 26, the military said yesterday.

Lt. Gen. Roy Cimatu, chief of the Armed Forces’ Southern Command (Southcom), said the military has acquired "verified information" that Misuari personally went to the Abu Sayyaf lair in Sulu where he met with its ranking leaders reportedly to map out plans for a possible alliance.

"There was a meeting at about 9 a.m. last Nov. 8 on Mt. Tiyahan in Sitangkay, Parang town in Sulu. Misuari met with Commanders Robot (Ghalib Andang), Mujib Susukan and a certain Commander Murphy," Cimatu said in a phone interview.

The Southcom chief said Misuari is utilizing all resources available to him to convince the Abu Sayyaf in forging an alliance with his group.

"This is a verified information that Misuari’s group would be committing atrocities in Zamboanga City and Jolo in connection with the ARMM polls on Nov. 26," he said.

Cimatu has ordered the deployment of additional troops in several areas in Sulu and Zamboanga to avert any plans by Misuari or the Abu Sayyaf to sabotage the upcoming polls.

"We should try to preempt this and we’re taking appropriate military action. We’re deploying troops to prevent atrocities," he said.

Cimatu assured the public that the military, in coordination with the Philippine National Police, will ensure the peaceful conduct of the polls in Lanao del Sur, Sulu, Maguindanao, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan and Marawi City, which comprise the expanded autonomous region.

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