Laban sets Masbate cattle development program

The Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino-Puwersa ng Masa will work out a special development program in Masbate for the island-province’s former economic lifeblood, the cattle industry.

Former Agriculture Secretary Edgardo Angara, lead candidate for senator of the opposition, said that the mad cow and foot-and-mouth contagion in Europe has opened windows of opportunities for the cattle raisers of Masbate.

The opposition bloc noted that the cattle industry in Masbate is a collection of ranches run by small and medium-sized cattle raisers. Ranchers have survived on their own and government assistance is still to be felt in the province.

"Masbate needs a cattle program that fits the specific context of the island-province," the opposition candidates for senator said.

Aside from Angara, the candidates are Juan Ponce Enrile, Loi Estrada, Gregorio Honasan, Panfilo Lacson, Jamby Madrigal, Orlando Mercado, Ricardo Puno, Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Santanina Rasul, Ombra Tamano and Reuben Canoy. Noli de Castro is guest candidate. Efren Danao

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