Vidal backs Sin’s call for prayer rally

CEBU — Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal is calling for a prayer rally tomorrow.

Fr. Monico Catubig of the Cebu Freedom Coalition, who had a breakfast meeting with the Cardinal the other day, said the prayer rally will be held at the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño.

"This is the Cardinal’s way of showing support for the call of (Manila Archbishop Jaime) Cardinal Sin to have a nationwide day of prayer," he added.

Catubig added that parishes under the Archdiocese of Cebu are holding their own prayer rallies and that tomorrow’s activity is just a kick-off event.

Two days ago, member-organizations of the Freedom Coalition agreed in a meeting to convince Vidal to show support for Sin’s call for a nationwide day of prayer.

Coalition members agreed that if they could get the cardinal’s support, they could gather a crowd larger than the alleged "hakot crowd" of President Estrada here last week. Vidal chairs the coalition.

During the said meeting, member-militant groups agreed to set aside secondary slogans to make a unified call for the ouster of Mr. Estrada by whatever means: resignation, impeachment or people power.

The Sanlakas group was asked not to carry anti-Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo placards during coalition rallies in deference to the Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, which has been actively trumpeting Arroyo as the next president. — Freeman News Service

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