MILF to gov’t: Pull out troops from camps,scrap all-out war policy

GENERAL SANTOS CITY — The separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) demanded yesterday the immediate pullout of government troops from its former camps and the scrapping of the "all-out war policy" against them to allow the immediate resumption of the peace talks.

MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu said the government should also recognize and respect all past agreements signed by its panel with MILF negotiators, particularly that on general cessation of hostilities.

Kabalu confirmed that the MILF has received a formal notice from the government proposing the immediate resumption of peace talks without any precondition.

The government said it was open to holding the talks in a neutral country, and affirmed the dropping of charges filed against the MILF’s top leaders and rewards for their capture.

"But apparently, we cannot talk unless there is relative peace in the area. For the talks to resume, the all-out war must be stopped," said Kabalu.

He said the declaration of bilateral ceasefire is not needed as past agreements already covered it.

Under the agreement on general cessation of hostilities, Kabalu said the MILF’s major camps — Abubakar, Omar, Rajah Muda, Bilal and Darapanan — should be free from any military activities while the talks are ongoing.

"For the talks to resume, the government must show its sincerity, manifested by the automatic withdrawal of its forces from these areas," he added.

Kabalu also sought a review of the present composition of the government panel.

He admitted that the MILF no longer has trust in the present panel headed by retired Brig. Gen. Edgardo Batenga.

Kabalu recalled that the government panel was apparently useless when the government launched an all-out offensive against the MILF in Matanog and Buldon, despite the signing of agreements normalizing the situation along the Secretary Narciso Ramos Highway last April 27.

Kabalu also criticized as an "antagonistic" move the inclusion of Governors Emmanuel Piñol and Hilario de Pedro III of North and South Cotabato, respectively, as consultants to the government panel.

"These people might only destroy the harmonious and friendly environment of the proposed talks," he said.

For the talks to prosper, Kabalu said the government must appoint individuals who have worked with the MILF in the past.

Last year, an MILF Sharia court sentenced Piñol to die by firing squad for his tough stance against the MILF.

Piñol has been a staunch critic of the MILF, assailing the group for the miserable plight of Muslim communities in many troubled areas in North Cotabato. De Pedro is himself critical of the MILF, too.

Al Haj Murad, MILF vice chairman for military affairs, said they prefer religious leaders to replace Maguindanao Reps. Didagen Dilangalen and Simeon Datumanong who have resigned from the government panel.— With Edith Regalado

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